Solar Sport One

Solar Sport One is the solar boat race for technicians, dare-devils, young and curious minded, team players and organizational talents.

The race will focus on sustainability, courage and inspiring each other. Green innovations are sexy and bold. Sustainability of the earth is not something for the future, but it happens here and now!



Curious how the races look like? Click here to go to our YouTube channel. 

Have a look at these events and be amazed what these boats can and how important the development and innovation is.


Monaco Energy Boat Challenge Monaco Yacht Club, Monaco | 1 - 6 JULY 2024


New Energy Regatta Balaton lake, Hungary | 23 - 25 august 2024


Sardinia Innovative Boat week | 18 - 22 SEPT 2024

Solar Sport One is originally based in The Netherlands.

We work remote and contact can be made through
email or whatsapp

Email adres
Whatsapp +31619230530

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