About us

Solar Sport One organizes World Cup Series in solar boats for technicians, dare-devils, young and curious minded, team players and organizational talents. The race will focus on new energy, courage and inspiring each other. Green innovations are sexy and bold. A sustainable usage of the earth is not something for the future, but it happens here and now. Students and professionals from different levels compete side-by-side. The boats are sailed through canals and waters in residential areas to make the biggest social impact. Enter now and make the change! 

Solar Sport One Foundation is eager to raise the profile of:
  • Education
  • Innovation
  • New Energy 
  • Technology
  • Life Time Learning
  • Marine industry
Events & classes

Competitors of the World Cup Series can race in three different three classes: V10-Class, V20-Class & Open-Class. We support the organization of several locations like Monaco Solar & Energy Boat Racing, Akkrum Reuzedei in The Netherlands and more, by supplying safety, technical assistance and racing rules. 

We love to race close to the shoreline into the heart of the city so we make impact. The energy transition affects every household yet not everybody feels responsible to change their way of life. Organizing a fun and spectaculair event close to a crowd we show how it can be done. 

How to win?
The race-element of Solar Sport has major strategic importance. The teams have to balance their battery capacity and boat and keep their team spirit up at the same time. The water sports element and electrics are totally at odds with each other and challenge the teams to get their brain neurons firing. Teams are not allowed to recharge by any other way then the sun. The bigger the challenge the bigger the opportunity.
Our foundation is represented by our Chief Solar Officer Marcelien Bos-de Koning.