Tonight is the evening we are going to open our event in Purmerend. In the city hall, mayor Don Bijl will open the event and welcome the teams. Friday is the start of the Solar Sport One boats is at 10 o’clock at the Kanaaldijk/Beemsterburgwal, where the teams have to do a time trial of 48 kilometer. During the time trial at 10.30 o’clock there will be also a ‘mini-solar challenge’ at the Kanaaldijk. Kids from 4 different schools will show their selfmade mini solar boats and have their own competition.
The Top Speed challenge is at 15.30, where we hope the fastest boat will go over 50 km/h!
Saturday will be a day where also the Young Solar Challenge boats will join. In total we expect over 40 boats in the waters around Purmerend.
Find here the quick link to our program and also to the exact routes the boats needs to follow.
See you all in Purmerend!